Top 5 Crypto producing assets (Autumn 2015)
So you've heard about Bitcoin and you are wondering how you can make money from it?
The first thing you will read about is 'mining' and that is not nearly as productive as it used to be, also you need to take into account the price of mining equipment, then there is cloud mining which I've not yet invested in (and am very sceptical of). You could just hoard Bitcoin and wait for them to raise in value, but I think its a good idea to diversify.
So a good choice is to invest in assets which produce a dividend, these assets are 5 that I personally have invested in and would recommend for various reasons, but the main things to be considered when buying an asset are : The development team behind the asset, The ROI, The ease of use, Potential for capital gains. I have rated each asset on these factors.
So without any further adieu and in no particular order here are the Crypto S.I Top 5 for Autumn 2015
Dash Masternode

At a cost of 1000 Dash which is the equivalent of 10.2369BTC ($2405), This is by far the most expensive asset on this list, however it also has the best development team behind it. Dash formerly known as Darkcoin is the 6th most popular of all the alternatives to Bitcoin and has remained popular thanks to leading features such as DarkSend and InstantX which provide anonymity and near instant transactions respectively. Also bear in mind that (allegedly) Bitshares and Ripple both have the means to manipulate their market value so that would make Dash 4th.
A Masternode is an integral part of the network and can be set up quite easily by following one of the various tutorials that can be found online (
Here's the best one), once you have staked the needed 1000 Dash you can expect to earn DASH daily, The figures vary depending on many things but I calculate it to be around 15-25% per year.
There are some people who are getting together on the Dash Forum
here and sharing the cost of a masternode, so you could own a 10th of a masternode for 100Dash, this is a good idea, but you need to be aware of who you are investing with and do your due dilligence.
The development team behind the asset : 8/10
The ROI 6/10
The ease of use 3/10
Potential for capital gains 8/10

BtcPop are a UK based P2P lending company, but that's not anything unique. The Thing about these guys is that they offer shares in their own platform, This is exciting, as short term loans is a massive industry in UK let alone worldwide.
On the BTCPop platform you can buy shares in both BTCPOP and
Ardeva (A well known ID verification company), The dividend is paid directly into your btcpop wallet on the 1st of every month and you are free to withdraw it immediately or buy more shares. Since being introduced the shares have risen in value, and in a blossoming industry I can only see this trend continuing.
Dividends are a direct portion of the revenues that these companies make.
The development team behind the asset : 8/10 (ArdevA 9/10)
The ROI 4/10 (ArdevA 2/10)
The ease of use 8/10
Potential for capital gains 8/10 (ArdevA 9/10)
*between starting this article and publishing it I realised Btc pop shares had almost doubled in value during the month of September, and Ardeva shares had quadroupled, Looking at the lack of shares for sale I can see the prices only rising especially when Ardeva start paying a worthy dividend (although exactly how they will monetise is a bit of a mystery to me, the same was said about Google in 2001)
These next two assets come from the NXT ecosystem, which as far as I'm concerned is the first and still the best Bitcoin 2.0 project. NXT is the only real competitor to the much anticipated Ethereum, although they are quite different, NXT benefits from having a fully functional decentralised platform, There are loads of features of NXT that you may find interesting such as proof of stake,
NXT-Freemarket (which is a working competitor to
OpenBazaar) and the amazing '
The best thing about NXT is that it is decentralised, but you do not need to download an entire blockchain to use it. The 2 assets that I've chosen on the Nxt platform are both available on the asset exchange and they are:
MMNXT 979292558519844732 assetid - A market making assets which makes a steady daily profit, dividend is paid weekly every friday. It's around 0.5%-1% depending on how much money the fund has generated.
Coinomat 7474435909229872610 assetid - A rival to the heavily funded, Coinnomat is a simple hassle free way to trade crypto currencies without having to sign up and trades are completed within minutes. The interface (website) is arguably not as slick as Shapeshift, and the platform definitely has less funding, but we can all buy into this platform for as little as we like, whereas Shapeshift is having funding rounds via
Bnktothefuture with a much higher minimum buy-in. A small fee is charged per transaction and a percenttage of this is is given as a dividend to shareholders, this is not always paid on time and obviously would change depending on the success of the service.
The development team behind the asset : MMNXT 7/10 (Coinomat 6/10)
The ROI MMNXT 7/10 Coinomat(6/10)
Potential for capital gains 8/10 (Coinomat 9/10)
* I have given Coinomat a 9/10 mostly based on my view that trading between cryptocurrencies in this frictionless way will see a huge explosion in traffic sooner or later, no matter which altcoin comes to prominence, even if one of these recently touted nonsensical bank sponsored blockchain projects achieves critical velocity
So that's my top 5 for autumn 2015, this is by no means an exhaustive list of whats available, and I invite you to comment on any that I've missed out, I also want to give a special mention to SuperNet and CounterParty as they are introducing plenty of new assets, It's also worth noting that Some very exciting projects Pangea, Augur and Ethereum are nearing completion and may well feature next season, if you want to be ahead of the game then check out the links.
I also have not included
BTCPop trusted investment pool, which is guaranteed and pays out every few days.
This is my own personal view, I do hold shares in each of the assets, and you should take financial advice before risking your funds as their value can go up or down. I think that qualifies as a responsible disclaimer.
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Thanks for reading and good luck!